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Course overview from our instructor

Why this course?

Learn the secrets of writing engaging websites, punchy presentations and successful sales pitches. Complete this course and audiences will stay glued to your content and inspired to purchase.

Course contents

  • 1


    • The journey ahead

    • Tips on how to get the most out of this course

  • 2

    Act One - Why content matters

    • What is content marketing and why should I care?

  • 3

    The Science behind the art

    • The cognitive effect of storytelling

  • 4

    Say YOU more often

    • Use this three letter word more often in all of your content

  • 5

    Tune in to your audience

    • Touch a nerve to change behaviour

  • 6

    The language of the senses

    • Make use of the five senses

  • 7

    Contrast creates perspective

    • Use contrast

  • 8

    Find your confidence

    • The curse of the blank page

  • 9

    The stakes are high

    • Raise the stakes

  • 10

    Case Study 1

    • Significant Objects - proof that business storytelling adds value

  • 11

    Next steps

    • Test what you've learned

  • 12

    Act Two - Seven essentials for successful storytelling

    • Introduction to Act Two - Samsung (how not to do it)

  • 13

    What are you saving the world from?

    • Does your company message galvanise people to action?

  • 14

    Brands are like people

    • We like people who are authentic, trustworthy and real

  • 15

    More about the hero

    • If your company is NOT the hero - then what is YOUR role?

  • 16

    Stay on message

    • Is your business message singular, simple and memorable?

  • 17

    Stories for story's sake

    • Bridging the story to your product

  • 18

    Dial up the drama

    • Think of the consequences. Problem + consequence = story

  • 19

    How to build suspense

    • Holding your audience's attention

  • 20

    Kaspersky case study

    • The seven essentials in action (the right way)

  • 21

    Test what you've learned

    • Test what you've learned

  • 22

    Act Three - Six step storytelling formula

    • Introduction to Act Three

  • 23

    The hero

    • The hero

    • The hero applied to your business story

  • 24

    The mission

    • The Mission

    • Applying the mission to your business story

  • 25

    The problem

    • The Problem

    • Applying the mission to your business story

  • 26

    The guide

    • The Guide

    • Applying the guide to your business story

  • 27

    The journey

    • The Journey

    • Applying the journey to your business story

  • 28

    The resolution

    • The Resolution

    • Applying the resolution to your business story

  • 29

    Bringing it all together

    • Your new North Star narrative

  • 30

    Case study 3

    • Google

  • 31

    You're almost done!

    • Before you go...

Invest in yourself

  • £195.00

    Business Storytelling for Content Writers

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