• What is the Berkeley Storytelling Academy?

    It is a training organisation that teaches people face-to-face or online how to create more engaging and shareable stories about their business.

  • Who is it for?

    Business owners, directors, sales and marketing professionals, entrepreneurs and HR managers are the biggest beneficiaries of business storytelling.

  • Why business storytelling?

    Business storytelling will help you elevate your sales pitch. It will increase sales conversions on your web site. Your presentations will become more memorable. You’ll be more inspiring at the podium. You’ll win hearts and minds and attract more talent. You’ll even be able to pitch a better story to potential investors.

  • What will I take from the courses?

    In all of our courses you will end up with a set of tools that will enable you to craft an engaging story in any situation. Our six-step story formula runs through every one of our courses and will make you more charismatic, more memorable and more engaging both as a person and as a business.

  • What is the problem the Berkeley Storytelling Academy solves?

    It is estimated that we are on the receiving end of nearly 5000 marketing messages every day in some shape or form. This makes it extremely difficult for businesses to be heard by potential customers however, everyone stops to listen to a great story. We can’t help ourselves and our Storytelling Academy teaches you how to do this across all your marketing communications.

  • Where’s the proof that business storytelling works?

    We have countless case studies, anecdotes and references from people who have attended the course both face to face and online. See our reviews.

  • Is business storytelling applicable to one-man-bands and small businesses?

    Yes. Especially so. The entrepreneurial community is a primary audience because storytelling enables them to cut-through to audiences with limited financial resources.

  • What type of company does business storytelling work for best?

    It doesn’t matter whether you are selling to other businesses (B2B) or consumers (B2C). Storytelling is business to human. (B2H)

  • What if my product or service isn’t exciting?

    Even better. Business storytelling is a great way of making the mundane more memorable. When you run the six-step formula through your business a fresh and inspiring narrative will emerge. It doesn't need to be an exciting product or service, in fact many

  • What is the basic premise of business storytelling?

    People don’t remember facts and figures. They remember how you made them feel. Well-crafted stories strike an emotional chord with the intended audience. This in turn leads to behavioural change. It’s why we like to say: bring a little bit of Hollywood into your business story.

  • What is the six-step-story formula?

    It’s six simple steps inspired by the very same techniques used to make a Hollywood blockbuster or a page-turning novel. If it works for them, it can work for your business!

  • What is the Berkeley Storytelling Foundation Course?

    It’s our flag-ship course. It teaches you how to be a proficient storyteller in the round. You can apply the learnings to every facet of your business - in sales, in marketing, in HR, in customer service, even your next speech.

  • Can I pay in any currency?

    Yes. Even though the price is advertised in GBP the currency will automatically convert at the checkout and charge you in your country of origin (we take Visa and MasterCard). Once you have completed the checkout stage you will need to enrol and create a student account before you can access the course.

  • Do I need any special software to access the course?

    No. The course sits in the cloud.You enrol as a student in the Business Storytelling Academy, from there you can access your dashboard to track your progress in lessons.

  • How is my data used?

    We are fully GDPR compliant. We will not share your data with anyone.

  • Do you provide bespoke online courses for larger businesses? How does that work?

    Yes we do. Our instructors regularly hold bespoke versions of our courses and can tailor content to your specific needs. Please see our bespoke tab on the website for more details.

  • Is it only online?

    No, we also run bespoke classroom training sessions and workshops to help businesses find their story.