Chris Hewitt

Chief Storyteller - London

Chris started his professional life as a journalist and editor. In his late twenties he set up the Berkeley Communications Group where he has been at the helm as CEO and chief storyteller for over thirty years. Today, as the founder of the Berkeley Storytelling Academy, he travels the world delivering workshops and lectures on business storytelling to board directors, business owners, sales and marketing professionals and HR officers. He regularly teaches storytelling on behalf of the Chartered Institute of Marketing (CIM), and Tech UK, and is the author of the Storytelling for Business (foundation course).  His driving passion is to inspire people and businesses to harness the power of story - in sales, in marketing, in PR, in life.  

Contact Chris


Stories have changed the course of history

Imagine what they can do for your business

The real villain in your business story is noise. How do you cut through when your competitors are turning up the volume? Well you don’t have to throw more money at the problem. You just have to work with us. 


Our international team delivers business storytelling training and consultancy services to organizations who want to stand out. We bring a little bit of Hollywood to your brand message using a six-step story formula used by the world of media and entertainment. 


Our approach will boost your PR, marketing and communications.  Drive up sales.  Grow awareness. Win hearts and minds.  


What we offer

  • Classroom

    Our Chief Storytellers will teach you how to harness the power of story in your business and deliver business storytelling courses and bespoke workshops in a classroom setting (where permitted) as well as via live online video conferencing.

  • Consultancy

    The power of story will make your PR more influential. Your marketing content rise above the mundane. Your social media more shareable. Your brand message more inspiring. Your sales pitch more successful, and your research data more emotional.

  • Online

    We also provide learn-at-your-own-pace online courses featuring pre-recorded video lectures with interactive quizzes plus a step-by-step guide to write a new North Star narrative that can inform all your marketing content using our six-part storytelling template.