Why this course?

Not everyone can afford a PR agency. So does this mean you'll get overlooked by the media? Not if you learn the PR secrets of influencing editors, journalists and bloggers to write about your business.

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Course contents

  • 1


    • The journey ahead

    • Tips on how to get the most out of this course

  • 2

    Are you making these mistakes with the media?

    • Not all press releases are created equal

  • 3

    What editors want from you

    • How to get your story to the top of the 'yes' pile

  • 4

    Write the way they write

    • Why so many worthy press releases still end up in the bin

  • 5

    Make it relevant

    • Put yourself in the editor's shoes...

  • 6

    Think like a newshound

    • How to identify stories about your company that journalists will love

  • 7

    Pitch it right

    • There's a right and a wrong way to pitch a story...

    • Quick quiz - test what you've learned

  • 8

    Storytelling secrets: #1

    • Journalist storytelling secret #1: Bad news sells

  • 9

    Storytelling secrets: #2

    • Journalist storytelling secret #2: Human interest

  • 10

    Storytelling secrets: #3

    • Journalist storytelling secret #3: Resolution

  • 11

    How to write a press release

    • How to write a press release the way editors want them

  • 12

    How to structure a press release

    • The inverted triangle

    • Proof the triangle works...the news test

    • Quick quiz - the inverted triangle

  • 13

    Become the go-to expert

    • How to position your company as an expert in your field

    • Quick quiz - thought leadership

  • 14

    How to approach a case study

    • How to write a customer case study that will get published

  • 15

    How to structure a case study

    • How to use storytelling to structure your case study

    • Quick quiz - test what you've learned about the case study

  • 16


    • Eight ways to keep on the right side of editors that will keep them coming back for more

    • Quiz: Ergo Software PR puff

  • 17

    Before you go

    • A picture paints a thousand words...

    • And finally... some extra resources for you

Invest in yourself

  • £125.00

    How to get free press coverage for your business

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